Buy CBD Hemp Seeds

Guaranteed From Shipping To Germination

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds contain barely any Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

We just want the good qualities of hemp, not the psychoactive properties of the plants.

The stems have great binding properties and the bark can be used to create hemp fibre. The top leafs and flowers are mainly used for nutraceuticals like CBD-products 


CBD Seeds

CBD seeds contain high levels of Cannabidiol.

CBD is a potent non-psychoactive substance found in hemp plants that may help some people with physical and mental ailments.

CBD can be applied for nutrients like protein powder, oils and seeds.


Why Choose Us?

Free Shipping

We ship daily to the USA and the UK. Shipping is always FREE of charge!

Guaranteed Arrival

If your order does not arrive, for whatever reason, we will ship your seeds again.

Guaranteed Germination

We stand by our seeds, but they're a natural product. If some don't sprout, we will immediately replace them!

Expert Grow Support

Having trouble sprouting the seeds or is the grow somhow stunted? Our service agents are here to help!

I received my hemp seeds to USA in under 1 week. Great service and incredibly fast. Packaging was brilliant. Can't wait to get these growing!


United States

I finally decided to order hemp seeds online. Thank God I chose I Love Growing Hemp Seeds for my first experience! Great service, and great taste!


United Kingdom

About CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a potent non-psychoactive substance found in hemp plants that has proven qualities to help with both physical and mental medical treatments.


About I Love Growing Hemp Seeds

The combined knowledge and experience with hemp seeds and growing hemp is at your fingertips! The teams at I Love Growing Hemp Seeds are dedicated to cultivate new growers and bring hemp back in the spotlight it deserves!

We spent every waking moment of the last 30+ years learning everything there is to know about growing hemp. Soon after college, we ran industrial-sized plantations in Europe and worked in labs to cultivate strains to produce higher yields, greater CBD levels, or both! After years of work, in 2012 we decided to bring this knowledge to you!

Why? Because with nearly two decades of experience we have dealt with every possible challenge. We made all the mistakes starting out as fresh growers, so you don't have to!

In the I Love Growing Hemp Seeds store you're secured of quality seeds guaranteed to arrive and sprout. Order today and you'll be stting up your grow in no time!

See all CBD hemp strains

About I Love Growing Hemp Seeds

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